Objectives of the Foundation
Martyr Flight Lieutenant Maheesh Trikha Foundation is engaged in a number of activities in the fields of Education /Literacy / Health Care /Job Opportunities and other Socio-Economic development programmes .The Main efforts of the Foundation is dedicated to the country’s Martyrs ensuring that their families/dependents live in peace and harmony.
Immediate Objectives
- Resettlement of the War Widow and their children.
- Training / Orientation Programme for the School going children.
- Motivating and facilitating the youth to join the Armed Forces.
- Vocational Training for the War Widows and their families.
- Senior Citizen Welfare.
Future Objectives:
- Health Awareness C amps at Villages/Clusters
- Institute for Drop out Girls
- Women Empowerment
- Addressing Disability Concerns
- Resettlement of abused women