The Institute was inaugurated by the Pro Vice Chancellor of Nagaland University, Shri Priya Ranjan Trivedi on the 02 January 2010 with the main purpose of helping street children of the BPL families by offering them free coaching classes with refreshments to make them eligible volunteers for admissions in the regular government schools for their better future prospects. Initially, the Institute started with 10 small children but gradually the strength rose up to 60 students as the school going children also started joining for their coaching / completion of their school home works with the help of the teachers being employed by the President of the Foundation at the Institute. The students of the M-Trix Institute were encouraged to take part during celebration of all the festivals through their heritage cultural performances by way of singing their community folk songs and also following their traditional folk dances only. Besides, the coaching at the Institute, the students were also taken out to visit the historical monuments of Delhi to broaden their horizon and to inculcate the sense of community living by staying together with other fellow students during their excursion visits.
Inaugration Martyr M-Trix Coaching Institute

Martyr M-Trix coaching Institute

Participation at Republic Day Celebration 26th January 2012

Participation at Republic Day Celebration 26th January 2012